西点军校的公爵The Duke of West Point(1938)

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The Duke of West Point

分类:剧情  美国  1938 1939-04-16英语

主演:Louis Hayward,Joan Fontaine

导演:Alfred E. Green


OK影视为您提供1938年由Louis Hayward Joan Fontaine 主演,Alfred E. Green 导演的《西点军校的公爵》/原名《The Duke of West Point》电影在线观看,《西点军校的公爵》百度云网盘资源以及《西点军校的公爵》高清mp4迅雷下载,《西点军校的公爵》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Steve Early (Louis Hayward), the son of an American Embassy Official in London, sails to America to enter West Point in line with family tradition. Although warned by his father that he , raised in England, will be entering a strange and new way of life. His first mistake is arriving at West Point with more pomp-and-circumstance than is fitting for an incoming plebe. Then, by befriending Sonny Drew (Tom Brown), another plebe who is unmercifully teased as a 'mother's boy, Steve further alienates the upperclassmen. Drew and a poor boy from the country, Jack West (Richard Carlson) become Steve's room-mates. As plebes, the three are bullied by Corporal Strong (Alan Curtis), according to academy customs,and Steve, on one of his many assigned hazing errands, stumble and falls at the feet of Strong and Ann Porter (Joan Fontaine). Making the most of his accident, , thereby antagonizing Strong still further. Later, Ste crashes an upperclassmen hop-forbidden to plebes- to see Ann. To do this he...







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