丛林女神莉亚娜Liane, das Mädchen aus dem Urwald(1956)

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Liane, das Mädchen aus dem Urwald又名:Liane, Jungle Goddess

分类:奇幻 冒险  西德  1956 1956-10-04德语

主演:Marion Michael

导演:Eduard von Borsody


OK影视为您提供1956年由Marion Michael 主演,Eduard von Borsody 导演的《丛林女神莉亚娜》/原名《Liane, das Mädchen aus dem Urwald》/又名《Liane, Jungle Goddess》电影在线观看,《丛林女神莉亚娜》百度云网盘资源以及《丛林女神莉亚娜》高清mp4迅雷下载,《丛林女神莉亚娜》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

本剧根据Anne Day-Helveg的同名小说改编。一支探险队发现了一位被非洲土著部落奉为女神的16岁白人女孩莉亚娜(Marion Michael饰),并将其

Plot Summary:An expedition discovers blonde 16 year-old Liane venerated by the native tribe in the African jungle and returns her to Hamburg where she is welcomed by her grandfather, ship tycoon Von Amelongen. His nephew Schoening, present head of the firm and prospective heir, tries all to stop his uncle from acknowledging her, including perjury, destruction of evidence, and finally resorting to murder. He dies in an accident driving his car into the river in his flight from the police. There is a subplot around a love quadrangle centered around Thoren, who is secretly loved by biologist Jacqueline who is in turn courted by Hungarian Tibor. Thoren plays paternal protector to Liane before succumbing to her youthful charm and returning with her to the jungle.







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