100% English(2006)

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分类:纪录片  英国  2006 2006-11-13英语

主演:Damen Barks,Danny Blue,Garry Bushell,Nicola Hale,Carole Manl

导演:David Batty


OK影视为您提供2006年由Damen Barks Danny Blue Garry Bushell Nicola Hale Carole Manley The Oddballs Andrew Graham-Dixon 主演,David Batty 导演的《100% English》/原名《》电影在线观看,《100% English》百度云网盘资源以及《100% English》高清mp4迅雷下载,《100% English》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Take eight people. All of them born in England. All of them white. All of them convinced they are 100% English. Convince them to provide a sample of their DNA. Then submit it to a series of state of the art DNA tests; and some of them will be in for a shock when they discover just how English they really are. "I was born in England. I was born English, my parents were English, my grandparents were English and their parents were English and it goes back and back, so I am English through and through," says comedian Danny Blue. A prime-minister's daughter, a peer of the realm, a tabloid journalist, a lawyer, a country lady, a trainee soldier, a stand-up comic and a woman who works in the fishing industry: all of them are convinced they come from solid Anglo-Saxon stock. With the help of cutting edge DNA analysis, 100% English reveals the secrets of their hidden origins which cover most of the globe. Lord Tebbit, Garry Bushell and Carol Thatcher are among the eight participants who have ...


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