La cara del terror(1962)

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La cara del terror又名:Face of Terror

分类:科幻 惊悚  西班牙  1962 西班牙语


导演:Isidoro M. Ferry,William J. Hole Jr.


OK影视为您提供1962年由丽莎·盖伊 费尔南多·雷伊 维尔吉里奥·特谢拉 主演,Isidoro M. Ferry William J. Hole Jr. 导演的《La cara del terror》/又名《Face of Terror》电影在线观看,《La cara del terror》百度云网盘资源以及《La cara del terror》高清mp4迅雷下载,《La cara del terror》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A kindly wheelchair-bound physician, Doctor Charles Taylor (Fernando Rey) is developing a serum able to repair scar tissue, but he has not been able to conduct a real test. He comes across a young girl with a horribly disfigured face. The effects of the serum are better than the scientist expected, and the girl is transformed to a thing of beauty again - Norma (Lisa Gaye). He presents her to some friends, exhibiting his success, and she befriends a handsome Playboy (Virgilio Teixeira). Unfortunately for Lisa, her restored beauty is not permanent. Unfortunately to Dr. Taylor, Norma happens to be an escaped mental patient from a local asylum, and she can't cope when the serum effects wears off, and her face returns to its hideous condition. Enraged at this setback, Norma goes to the laboratory armed with the shard of a broken bottle, screaming at the doctor, "I'll kill you!" The man can do little to defend himself but to drive the wheelchair back from her, and interposing some objects ...


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