狂热凶杀Crazy Animal(2007)

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Crazy Animal

分类:歌舞  美国  2007 2007英语

主演:John Birmingham,Anise Fuller,Danica DeCosto

导演:John Birmingham


OK影视为您提供2007年由John Birmingham Anise Fuller Danica DeCosto 主演,John Birmingham 导演的《狂热凶杀》/原名《Crazy Animal》电影在线观看,《狂热凶杀》百度云网盘资源以及《狂热凶杀》高清mp4迅雷下载,《狂热凶杀》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Apparently, to a rapist frat boy (Jeff) and his friends (Jen, Meese, etc.), there is a crazy 80s glam rock metal head who lives in a shack in the woods named Ricky. When the frat boys and girls wander away from their beach house and find him, Ricky ties them up and sings them cheesy 80s heavy metal songs until one confesses to a heinous crime - We soon realize that Ricky is one of the good guys, who has teamed up with Jen, the head frat girl that set up this whole beach house vacation so that she could capture Jeff's confession to her high school rape on video. Just as the bad frat boy confesses, he breaks free from his ropes and begins going on a killing spree. Will more innocent be hurt by Jeff? Or will Ricky, Jen and her friends bring justice to this horrible male chauvinist rapist?







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