食人杀手:杰弗里·达默的真实故事The Cannibal Killer: The Real Story of Jeffrey Dahmer(2020)

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The Cannibal Killer: The Real Story of Jeffrey Dahmer

分类:恐怖  美国  2020 2020-01-15(美国)英语

主演:Giancarlo Herrera, Randy Jones, Genoveva Rossi

导演:Pete Jacelone

Pete Jacelone


OK影视为您提供2020年由Giancarlo Herrera  Randy Jones  Genoveva Rossi 主演,Pete Jacelone 导演的《食人杀手:杰弗里·达默的真实故事》/原名《The Cannibal Killer: The Real Story of Jeffrey Dahmer》电影在线观看,《食人杀手:杰弗里·达默的真实故事》百度云网盘资源以及《食人杀手:杰弗里·达默的真实故事》高清mp4迅雷下载,《食人杀手:杰弗里·达默的真实故事》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

这是关于杰弗里·达默(Jeffrey Dahmer)作为连环杀手的生活的虚构,但在历史上几乎是准确的,正如杰弗里·达默(Jeffrey Dahmer)(吉安卡洛

Plot Summary:This is a fictitious, yet mostly historically accurate account of Jeffrey Dahmer's life as a serial killer, as narrated by Jeffrey Dahmer (Giancarlo Herrera) using many actual quotes. It shows part of his boyhood, and his first murder as a teenager. There are realistic depictions of several of his murders from pick up to dismemberment and eventual consumption, as well as his attempts to create "living zombies" by pouring hydrochloric acid into his victim's skulls. Dahmer's frequent interactions with his friendly neighbor and his grandmother are also shown. In essence, the story explores the psychodynamics of Jeffrey Dahmer's relationships with his victims both pre and postmortem.







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