Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever(2010)

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Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever

分类:剧情 喜剧 奇幻  美国  2010 2010-06-28(美国)英语

主演:Tristan Newcomb,Simon Quiroz,Roberto L. Rosales

导演:Tristan Newcomb

Tristan Newcomb


OK影视为您提供2010年由Tristan Newcomb Simon Quiroz Roberto L. Rosales 主演,Tristan Newcomb 导演的《Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever》电影在线观看,《Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever》百度云网盘资源以及《Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A young boy (played by an actual re-purposed Sunday school puppet) loses all faith in religion and afterlife options after having to bury his umpteenth pet, and vows that someday, when he's an adult with money, he'll find a way to become an 'eternal molecule' through science. Then, twenty-two years later, the playing of a pinball game brings dredges up the memory of that vow. Utilizing the hallucinogenic properties of alcohol and cough syrup blends, he undertakes the design of a pinball machine so poignant and dignified that it will convince scientists to create a pinball that we can download our consciousness into and thereby become digitally immortal.


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