安娜贝勒姆:塞勒姆的诅咒Annabellum: The Curse of Salem(2019)

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Annabellum: The Curse of Salem

分类:悬疑 惊悚 恐怖  英国  2019 2019-08-12(英国)英语

主演:Liam Clarke,Andrew James Mead,Chris Millward

导演:Craig Rees

Craig Rees


OK影视为您提供2019年由Liam Clarke Andrew James Mead Chris Millward 主演,Craig Rees 导演的《安娜贝勒姆:塞勒姆的诅咒》/原名《Annabellum: The Curse of Salem》电影在线观看,《安娜贝勒姆:塞勒姆的诅咒》百度云网盘资源以及《安娜贝勒姆:塞勒姆的诅咒》高清mp4迅雷下载,《安娜贝勒姆:塞勒姆的诅咒》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

In the form of an old doll a vengeful witches curse from 1692 Salem is released

Plot Summary:After unearthing a wooden crate containing a seemingly innocuous porcelain doll in the dusty attic of the historic Warwickshire Museum in the United Kingdom, the unsuspecting curator, David Whittaker, starts to experience unusual and hair-raising happenings. Utterly unaware of the haunted artefact's dark heritage which dates back to 1692 Salem, David, his family, and his assistant, Stephanie, will soon come face-to-face with an ancient malevolent force that craves innocent souls. Now, against the backdrop of unaccountable disappearances and intense paranormal occurrences, David finds himself trapped in a maze of horrors. Can they escape from Salem's fiery curse?







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