teachers Season 4(2004)

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分类:剧情 喜剧  英国  2004 英语

主演:Daon Broni,马修·豪勒,Vicky Hall

导演:Barnaby Southcombe

Richard Stoneman


OK影视为您提供2004年由Daon Broni 马修·豪勒 Vicky Hall 主演,Barnaby Southcombe 导演的《teachers Season 4》影视在线观看,《teachers Season 4》百度云网盘资源以及《teachers Season 4》高清mp4迅雷下载,《teachers Season 4》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:On the eve of the new term Bob ,Penny and Lindsay visit the graves of Kurt and Brian, killed in a road accident with Matt. Summerdown has now merged with another school. Clare is still the head but has become more of a hard liner, especially towards Bob, who now sports a toupee and boasts about his Thai mail order bride. Bob resents the new head of English, Ewan, who is young, handsome and very pleasant and tries every trick he can to get him sacked but when everything goes wrong Ewan graciously saves Bob from getting the chop. Lindsay and Penny find the aloof Damien and his hypochondriac satellite Dan unfriendly but eventually Lindsay and Dan bond in the toilet over ailments and Bob and Damien are united in their cynicism,everybody ending up in the pub just like old times.


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