Las Reglas de la Ruina(2018)

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Las Reglas de la Ruina

分类:恐怖  墨西哥  2018 2018-09-20(墨西哥)西班牙语

主演:赫克托·科特思法基斯,Yunuen Pardo,Víctor Osuna,鲁道夫·帕拉西奥斯,Alvaro Flores

导演:Víctor Osuna

Víctor Osuna


OK影视为您提供2018年由赫克托·科特思法基斯 Yunuen Pardo Víctor Osuna 鲁道夫·帕拉西奥斯 Alvaro Flores 弗兰克·罗德里格斯 Julio Cesar Alvarez Sofía Barchel Nicole Grace Tato Alexander José Alfaro Ariel Torres Esquivel Mario Arvizu Joe Bravo Erasmo Rodríguez Mauricio Pérez Cabañas 主演,Víctor Osuna 导演的《Las Reglas de la Ruina》电影在线观看,《Las Reglas de la Ruina》百度云网盘资源以及《Las Reglas de la Ruina》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Las Reglas de la Ruina》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Minerva, a single mother, works long hours a day to keep her ailing daughter in

Plot Summary:Minerva, a single mother, works long hours a day to keep her ailing daughter in the hospital. One day, a mysterious man arrives at her door offering her to work in the translation of an ancient book in exchange for a substantial sum of money. Minerva accepts without knowing that this will change her life and that of those around her forever.


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