Mi gente linda, Mi gente bella(2012)

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Mi gente linda, Mi gente bella

分类:未知 哥伦比亚 Colombia  2012 2012-06-08(哥伦比亚)西班牙语

主演:Connor McShannon,César Mora,Sara Corrales

导演:Harold Trompetero

Dago García


OK影视为您提供2012年由Connor McShannon César Mora Sara Corrales 主演,Harold Trompetero 导演的《Mi gente linda, Mi gente bella》电影在线观看,《Mi gente linda, Mi gente bella》百度云网盘资源以及《Mi gente linda, Mi gente bella》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Mi gente linda, Mi gente bella》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Vigo, a Swede who arrives in Colombia, will be received as a prodigal son. But s

Plot Summary:Vigo, a Swede who arrives in Colombia, will be received as a prodigal son. But soon discover that even with such warmth, in the country of the Sacred Heart and magical realism, live in chaos and thoughtlessness.


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