Dell'arte della guerra(2012)

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Dell'arte della guerra又名:On the Art of War

分类:剧情 惊悚 纪录片  意大利   2012 意大利语

主演:Vincenzo Acerenza,Fabio Bottaferla,Luigi Esposito,Massimo Me

导演:Luca Bellino,Silvia Luzi

Luca Bellino/Silvia Luzi


OK影视为您提供2012年由Vincenzo Acerenza Fabio Bottaferla Luigi Esposito Massimo Merlo 主演,Luca Bellino Silvia Luzi 导演的《Dell'arte della guerra》/又名《On the Art of War》电影在线观看,《Dell'arte della guerra》百度云网盘资源以及《Dell'arte della guerra》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Dell'arte della guerra》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Milan, august 2009. Four workers climb a 20 meters high gantry crane inside the hangar of the INNSE, the last active factory in Milan. They threaten to throw themselves down to stop the dismantling of the machineries and the closure of the factory they work in. The hangar is surrounded by dozens of policemen and supporters from all over Italy. It is not a simple struggle. They have a clear strategy. They have an organized army. They know perfectly their territory and their enemy. There are clear rules, it is a war with a workable paradigm for all forms of struggle.


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