罗宾汉新传 第二季The New Adventures of Robin Hood(1997)

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The New Adventures of Robin Hood

分类:剧情 动作 冒险  美国  1997 英语

主演:Matthew Porretta

导演:Joe Coppoletta

Steve Barnett


OK影视为您提供1997年由Matthew Porretta 主演,Joe Coppoletta 导演的《罗宾汉新传 第二季》/原名《The New Adventures of Robin Hood》影视在线观看,《罗宾汉新传 第二季》百度云网盘资源以及《罗宾汉新传 第二季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《罗宾汉新传 第二季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Robin Hood and his band of outlaws which includes Marian, Little John, and Friar

Plot Summary:The Ultimate Army Little John feels worthless and second best to Robin, and leaves the camp to make his own way in the world. He enters a contest to join the ultimate army, not realizing it is being developed by the evil Lord Malice for his destructive ends. Meanwhile, Robin discovers that his former teacher, Andrew MacGregor, has been captured by Malice. He and Marion must enter the contest to win and be able to join the same army as Little John. They also discover their friend Kemal, a battle-hardened nomad, has joined the army ranks, and together they try to rescue MacGregor, and thwart Lord Malice's plans.


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