Evolution of a Plague & Campus Coverup(2015)

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分类:纪录片  美国  2015 2015-06-05英语




OK影视为您提供2015年由未知 主演,未知 导演的《Evolution of a Plague & Campus Coverup》/原名《》电影在线观看,《Evolution of a Plague & Campus Coverup》百度云网盘资源以及《Evolution of a Plague & Campus Coverup》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Evolution of a Plague & Campus Coverup》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:'Evolution of a Plague'- Last year, the worst Ebola outbreak in human history swept through West Africa, killing more than 10,000 in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. The disease spread so quickly in part because the international community was slow to respond, and also because these countries lacked the infrastructure, funding, and street-level awareness to combat the virus. Danny Gold goes to West Africa to see how people there have stepped up to control the outbreak, and to learn whether the world is prepared for the next major epidemic. 'Campus Coverup'- Media reports of sexual assaults on U.S. campuses have risen dramatically over the last few years. More and more survivors and their allies are coming forward to denounce a pervasive culture of sexual violence they say is out of control. But the controversy around the sheer number and frequency of these attacks has overshadowed a companion problem: that universities are handling these cases in their own makeshift justice systems,...


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