"Only Fools and Horses" It's Only Rock and Roll(1985)

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"Only Fools and Horses" It's Only Rock and Roll

分类:喜剧  英国  1985 1985-03-14English

主演:David Jason,Nicholas Lyndhurst,David Thewlis


John Sullivan


OK影视为您提供1985年由David Jason Nicholas Lyndhurst David Thewlis 主演,苏珊·贝尔宾 导演的《"Only Fools and Horses" It's Only Rock and Roll》电影在线观看,《"Only Fools and Horses" It's Only Rock and Roll》百度云网盘资源以及《"Only Fools and Horses" It's Only Rock and Roll》高清mp4迅雷下载,《"Only Fools and Horses" It's Only Rock and Roll》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

"Only Fools and Horses" Episode 28 of 65

Plot Summary:Rodney has joined a new band, and Del immediately capitalises on this by booking them into The Shamrock Club to play for the St Patrick's night festivities. Taking his place as the band's manager, Del winces his way through their rehearsals, and when the Shamrock gig results in a fight, the band are forced to leg it, leaving the instruments behind them. When Rodney finds out the musical equipment has vanished, he contacts the police and helps them with their enquiries. When tell sees Rodney with the constable, he quickly distracts the officer and pulls Rodney aside. It turns out that Del had the instruments on sale or return, and he'd taken them back because their band was so bad. Rodney's dreams of showbiz fame have been shattered, but he goes ballistic when he sees his group performing their old hit single on Top of the Pops and realises that without Del's interference he might have made it to number one.


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