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分类:未知 美国  1936 英语

主演:Andy Clyde

导演:Roland D. Reed

Robert Ellis


OK影视为您提供1936年由Andy Clyde 主演,Roland D. Reed 导演的《红灯当头》/原名《》电影在线观看,《红灯当头》百度云网盘资源以及《红灯当头》高清mp4迅雷下载,《红灯当头》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Pa Wallace, an ardent member of the Whales, is offered a chance to invest $5,000 in a gold mine by the head of the Whales, Grand Harpoon F. Q. Whitney. Mrs Wallace is opposed but the four Wallace children, Willie, George, Edna and Mary are all for it, on the premise that if Pa makes some easy money, they can continue to loaf. Grandpa, a kindly but meddling old soul also arrives for a visit. Money begins to roll in but not as fast as the children spend it. The bubble bursts when the police arrest Whitney and his accomplice Nordingham as swindlers involved in a pyramid scheme. Stone broke and without the money to pay the mortgage Pa put on the house, the clan moves back to their small, old home. The children come through and knuckle down down to work to help the family recover. Then, Grandpa tells them that the gold mine never existed and the monthly checks had been coming from him, as he was anxious to prove that they weren't just loafers.







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