希望之路Hope Road(2017)

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Hope Road

分类:纪录片  澳大利亚  2017 英语


导演:Tom Zubrycki


OK影视为您提供2017年由未知 主演,Tom Zubrycki 导演的《希望之路》/原名《Hope Road》电影在线观看,《希望之路》百度云网盘资源以及《希望之路》高清mp4迅雷下载,《希望之路》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

旅居澳大利亚的南苏丹难民Zacharia有一个梦想 —— 他想给自己的家乡建一所学校。澳大利亚的四十多位好心人愿意伸出援手,决定通过举办“四十天徒步澳洲东海岸”

Plot Summary:A refugee from the Sudanese civil war, Zacharia lives in Sydney with his wife and daughter. He desperately wants to do something for his former village, now in the newly created nation of South Sudan. His dream is to build a much-needed school, and he enlists the backing of numerous Australians who have raised sufficient funds to make a start on the project. A year after Independence Zacharia returns to his village. Hundreds are out on the road waiting. A bull is slaughtered, women ululate and dance. Zac's overwhelmed. Promises are given and expectations raised. Soon work starts on clearing the site and making the bricks. Plans are drawn up for the school. Yet almost immediately it all starts unraveling: the men want more money, the well is dry and needs fixing and there are arguments as the women push for the school that means so much to them. Eventually, by the time Zac returns to Australia, 6,000 bricks have been made, enough for the entire school. Zac's trip has been supported by ...







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