铁路Железная дорога(2007)

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Железная дорога又名:The Railway / Zheleznaya doroga

分类:剧情 喜剧 奇幻  俄罗斯  2007 俄语

主演:Sergey Belyaev,Olga Degtyaryova

导演:Aleksey Fedorchenko

Aleksandr Gonorovsky


OK影视为您提供2007年由Sergey Belyaev Olga Degtyaryova 主演,Aleksey Fedorchenko 导演的《铁路》/原名《Железная дорога》/又名《The Railway / Zheleznaya doroga》电影在线观看,《铁路》百度云网盘资源以及《铁路》高清mp4迅雷下载,《铁路》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:An art house movie tells about the search for love and happiness. A school principal and his friend hijack an old steam locomotive and start a travel along the abandoned railroad - to deal in coal. The film plot is seemingly simple: two friends (a school principal Parentsov and a truck driver who is referred to as Father) steal a large amount of coal and take it by an old abandoned rail into the vast borderless steppe where they want to sell it. Driver's numb son Misha and a strange and formidable being, Engine Driver, accompany them. The story of a huge locomotive that the group uses for transporting the coal runs parallel to the main plot line. The locomotive was once called Tsar the Vampire and represented a symbol of enormous power that could be compared with the energy of the whole great world. Later it was turned into a museum exhibit. And now it serves as a transport means for the stolen coal. The third line is dedicated to a traveling circus that disappeared several years ...







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