两个造梦人Tales of Two Who Dreamt(2016)

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Tales of Two Who Dreamt又名:Historias de dos que soñaron

分类:纪录片  加拿大   2016 2016-02-16(柏林电影节)匈牙利语

主演:Sandor Laska,Sandorné Laska,Timea Laska,Alexander Laska,Jozs


安德里亚·巴斯曼 Andrea Bussmann/尼古拉斯·佩雷达 Nicolás Pereda


OK影视为您提供2016年由Sandor Laska Sandorné Laska Timea Laska Alexander Laska Jozsef Radics 主演,安德里亚·巴斯曼 尼古拉斯·佩雷达 导演的《两个造梦人》/原名《Tales of Two Who Dreamt》/又名《Historias de dos que soñaron》电影在线观看,《两个造梦人》百度云网盘资源以及《两个造梦人》高清mp4迅雷下载,《两个造梦人》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Drifting between fiction and documentary, Tales of Two Who Dreamt follows a family of Hungarian Roma (Gypsy) asylum seeking refugees living in a large apartment complex in Toronto. The film follows their everyday life routines and also ventures into the character's' hopes and dreams. Constructed through characters and the building's corporeal landscape, we drift with various members of the family through spaces and people suffering the effects of displacement and disconnection in their hope to build a sense of community in a foreign space. The film tells the several different tales: a woman who went crazy after her son fell of a balcony, an abandoned dog locked in an apartment, a fire that burned an entire floor in the building, an enormous snake that escaped and was never found, a child that turned into a bird, among other stories. Tales of Two Who Dreamt is set in a housing block in Toronto. A Roma refugee family is hired as actors to work on a fiction film. Instead of the fiction ...







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