胜利之翼Валерий Чкалов(1941)

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Валерий Чкалов又名:Wings of Victory

分类:剧情 战争  苏联  1941 1941-11-16俄语

主演:弗拉基米尔·别洛库罗夫,米凯尔·盖洛瓦尼,Semyon Mezhinsky

导演:米哈依尔·卡拉托佐夫 Mikhail Kalatozov

Boris Chirskov/Dmitri Tarasov


OK影视为您提供1941年由弗拉基米尔·别洛库罗夫 米凯尔·盖洛瓦尼 Semyon Mezhinsky 主演,米哈依尔·卡拉托佐夫 Mikhail Kalatozov 导演的《胜利之翼》/原名《Валерий Чкалов》/又名《Wings of Victory》电影在线观看,《胜利之翼》百度云网盘资源以及《胜利之翼》高清mp4迅雷下载,《胜利之翼》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

The film is about the fate of the famous Soviet aviator Chkalov, who in mid 30’e

Plot Summary:The film is based on the biography of Valeri Chkalov (1904 - 1938), a Russian pilot, who set several long distance flight records. Chkalov and his co-pilots Baidukov and Belyakov together had accomplished several non-stop long-distance flights. In June of 1937 Chkalov set the world record, covering 12000 kilometers in 63 hours of non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver, Washington, flying over the North Pole. He was flying a specially designed Russian plane ANT-25, which was also called RD (Record Distance). Chkalov was also a professional test-pilot. He was involved in testing the new Polikarpov fighter, that was designed to fight against the newest German fighters. Chkalov died in a plane crash during the test-flight near Moscow, on December 15th of 1938.







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