我的野心My Feral Heart(2016)

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My Feral Heart

分类:剧情  英国  2016 2016-11-04英语

主演:苏珊娜·汉密尔顿,史蒂文·布兰登,Pixie Le Knot,Darren Kent

导演:Jane Gull

Duncan Paveling


OK影视为您提供2016年由苏珊娜·汉密尔顿 史蒂文·布兰登 Pixie Le Knot Darren Kent 主演,Jane Gull 导演的《我的野心》/原名《My Feral Heart》电影在线观看,《我的野心》百度云网盘资源以及《我的野心》高清mp4迅雷下载,《我的野心》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Luke, an independent young man with Down's syndrome stumbles upon a wild and lif

Plot Summary:Luke, an independent young man with Down's syndrome, is forced to live in a care home after his elderly mother dies. He struggles to settle there, both frustrated at having his wings clipped by its rules, and unimpressed by his new house mates. His disappointment with his new home soon turns to wonder when Luke discovers a way out and begins to explore the surrounding countryside. When he is caught sneaking out by Pete, a troubled youth who tends the gardens at the home, the two strike up an unlikely rapport: Pete covers for Luke and in return Luke helps Pete clear the garden. On one illicit excursion to the adjoining field Luke discovers a young girl in desperate need of his help.







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