En apatía(2014)

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En apatía又名:En apatía secuelas del odio

分类:剧情  西班牙  2014 2014-05-09(西班牙)西班牙语

主演:Álvaro Díaz Rodríguez,Christian Casas,Lucía Ramos,纳乔·洛佩兹

导演:Joel Arellanes Duran

Joel Arellanes Duran


OK影视为您提供2014年由Álvaro Díaz Rodríguez Christian Casas Lucía Ramos 纳乔·洛佩兹 主演,Joel Arellanes Duran 导演的《En apatía》/又名《En apatía secuelas del odio》电影在线观看,《En apatía》百度云网盘资源以及《En apatía》高清mp4迅雷下载,《En apatía》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Tras una agnóstica educación, una vida de excesos y un legado de odio, se escond

Plot Summary:Young Marcus has been given an agnostic education, a legacy of hatred and now swims in a life of excess . But in the face of death everything will change. Some will pay the price of his actions and take the fall for his crime! Can apathy survive in the face of sacrifice?.


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